We are sure you must have witnessed, as did we, in the people surrounding us, at least a few who consider their car one of their most prized possessions. For many, it’s not just an automobile but almost like a family member. There are also some who inherit these fine pieces of engineering passed on through the generations for the future family.
You can see in such cases, quite simply, the love and care that are showered upon these vehicles by their owners. They clean, they polish, they service the engines, but most importantly, they are known to buy car insurance.
Now while we all know a little about automotive insurances, it is the claim procedure after an incident that stumps us. There are numerous rules and regulations governing these policies and more often than not, we see people losing out on the reimbursement because they seemingly got mixed up with the aforementioned laws.
So what do we do?
Well, we can help you alleviate that worry. While explaining all the rules associated with claiming compensation is not possible here, some basic ideas that remain uniform throughout all insurance companies are listed below for your guidance.
Claiming Car Insurance
Claim Intimation Window
For all kinds of insurance and insurance claims, ranging from Medical to Home to Automotive, there is always a fixed length of time period that is provided to the insured. Ranging from a few hours to a few days, differing based on the type of insurance, there is a window of intimation within which the grieving party is supposed to file a claim. If the individual fails to do so in the stipulated duration, the chances of getting a reimbursement approved can fall down to slim to none. You can check with your insurer regarding this time period for your insurance.
Claim Post DUI
Although your automotive insurance covers any damages that you are presented with in case of accidents, it is not true at all times. If said crash has taken place with an intoxicated driver behind the wheel, the company will outright reject your claim application. The same is also true in cases where the person driving does not hold a valid driving license or other necessary documents like the registration certificate.
Commercial Use Prohibition
There are many companies who have a written rule in all their automobile insurances that states that the vehicle cannot be used for commercial purposes. If however, the car is used for the same and meets with an accident or suffers damages due to or during the business activity, the insurer will not be liable to pay any compensation.
Stolen Car Claim
The owner of a four-wheeler can also claim restitution in the event of theft of the vehicle. This once again may not be true for all insurance plans but can be seen in effect for most. To apply for a reimbursement here, the most important requirement is the FIR that one lodges at the nearest police station soon after the crime is discovered. You should check whether your policy covers the same at the time of purchase of the insurance itself to safeguard your interests.
Evidences And Witnesses
In case of an accident, it is in one’s benefit if they immediately take pictures of the damaged car at the scene of the incident itself. Simultaneously, taking down the name and contact details for any eye-witnesses around can also help solidify your case. This is important as it vastly simplifies the inspection process by the insurance company and speeds up the settlement process.
No Claim Bonus
It is understandable that while driving, it is not just you on the road who has to be careful but other drivers and pedestrians as well. There are several instances where the claimant meets an accident through no fault of their own and are left with some minor damages or scratches to the vehicle. While many may want to claim compensation for the same right then, it is advisable that if the operational functionality of the car is not affected, do not go looking for a reimbursement. This is because companies often offer a discount on the next year’s premium payments to the individual if no claim applications have been received by them in the previous year.
Maintenance And Roadside Assistance
The upkeep of your automobile is never considered under an insurance scheme. However, if your car breaks down and you end up calling for roadside assistance anywhere in the US, you can claim for a refund of the same.
Closing Thoughts
We admit that these are not the only things you need to be aware of in regards to your car’s insurance. Nevertheless, these are some small details that tend to slip one’s mind when putting in a claim. It is of immense importance that you remember these as these guidelines can help you get one step closer to having your reimbursement application approved.